The Benefits of Changing Your Furnace Filter: A Comprehensive Guide

Maintaining your furnace filter is essential for keeping your home comfortable and safe. Not only does it improve the air quality inside your house, but it also increases the efficiency of your heating system. Contrary to popular belief, the furnace filter does not trap contaminants from the air, but it does play an important role in reducing energy costs. According to the Department of Energy, replacing a dirty air filter with a clean one can reduce system energy consumption by up to 15%.Clean filters reduce the unit's energy requirements while still providing you with the same level of comfort.

If you're not sure how to turn off your furnace or what size filter to use, it's best to consult a professional. The filter should fit snugly in its slot and should be replaced regularly to prevent short circuits and other problems. If you're concerned about the air quality in your home, you should choose the right air filter for your heating system. It's important to note the dimensions, thickness, and “minimum declarable efficiency value” (MERV) of the existing filter before going to the hardware store. Clean furnace filters can also reduce symptoms of COPD, asthma and other respiratory problems, helping your family stay healthy. In homes without air purifiers or other indoor air quality equipment, the furnace filter is the only line of defense against air contaminants.

This means that it needs to be changed more often than in homes with such equipment. When selecting a new filter, make sure that it is the same size as the one that came with your furnace when it was installed or when you moved into your home. Forgetting or neglecting to change your furnace filter can lead to several problems. A dirty air filter can be sucked back into the system, compromising airflow and potentially causing a fire at the boiler level. To avoid this, make sure to monitor your filter every month and change it when it's clogged.

Doing so will reduce energy consumption and utility costs.