Can I Use a 16x25x2 Furnace Filter Instead of a 16x25x1? - A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to furnace filters, size matters. If you don't get the right size, you won't be able to get the most out of your filter. This is why it's important to understand the different sizes and how they affect your HVAC system. My sister recently offered to get me 3M oven filters at a discounted price, but the size of the filter currently installed in my oven is 20 x 25 x 2 inches, and the only ones she can get are 20 x 25 x 1 inches.

It's important to note that filters only work if air has to pass through them; if there is a gap, an excessive amount of air will flow through it, making the situation worse. The furnace filters should fit snugly, but there is no need to force them into place. If you have to force the filter into its slot, it's probably too big and can cause it to bend, damage it, or reduce its effectiveness. The filters are smaller than their slot for easy replacement. In some cases, HVAC units may require a filter with unique or unusual dimensions.

In these cases, it is necessary to request a custom filter. This size is usually in the filter just below the nominal size and is usually labeled as the actual size. The actual size is the actual dimensions of the filter in length, width and thickness. It's important to understand these numbers as failure to do so often leads consumers to purchase a filter that doesn't fit their furnace or HVAC system. Atomic Filters has the OEM filter I need at a significant discount compared to other sellers.

For example, the filter label may have a size of 20 x 30 x 1, but if you measure it, you'll see that the actual size is smaller than the nominal air filter size of 20 x 30 x 1.When I received the new filters, they were too small, even though I took the numbers directly from the old filter. The smaller filter area will behave like a filter that is already partially dirty, but you can use it temporarily. Unfortunately, there are no standard sized air filters about 20 inches with the same measurements. To avoid this issue in the future, I'm thinking of starting a subscription to have the filter handy when the technician does my pre-season checks. If not, the best way to determine the size you need is to measure the filter that's already there, assuming it's the right size. Of course, this sounds easy when you hear the term “standard air filter size”; you might think that if your air filter is standard, you'll easily find it when you get to the store. In conclusion, when looking for an air filter for your furnace or HVAC system, make sure you know what size you need before making a purchase.

It's important to understand that nominal sizes may not always match up with actual sizes and that custom filters may be necessary in some cases. Additionally, make sure that your filter fits snugly in its slot without having to force it in place.