Is it Worth Investing in an Expensive Furnace Filter?

If you're looking for an air filter that provides the best possible protection for your HVAC system and improves indoor air quality, then an expensive air filter is the best option. However, if you're on a tight budget, a cheap air filter can offer some advantages. You'll pay more for a washable air filter because it should last for years, rather than months. While this is a good idea in theory, it presents multiple problems, such as lower MERV rates, frequent maintenance requirements, and the possibility of it attracting mold to the air unit.

When it comes to furnace filters, the general rule for many HVAC professionals is that “the cheaper, the better”. But is this really true? Is it worth investing in an expensive furnace filter?

The Pros and Cons of Expensive Furnace Filters

When it comes to furnace filters, there are two main types: disposable and reusable. Disposable filters are usually cheaper and easier to replace, but they don't last as long as reusable filters. Reusable filters are more expensive but can be washed and reused multiple times. The main advantage of an expensive furnace filter is that it has a higher MERV rating.

MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value and is used to measure the effectiveness of an air filter. The higher the MERV rating, the better the filter will be at trapping dust particles and other allergens from the air. Expensive furnace filters also tend to last longer than cheaper ones. On the other hand, there are some drawbacks to using an expensive furnace filter.

For one thing, they require more frequent maintenance than cheaper filters. You'll need to clean them regularly in order to keep them working properly. Additionally, they can be more difficult to install than cheaper filters.

Should You Buy an Expensive Furnace Filter?

The decision of whether or not to buy an expensive furnace filter ultimately comes down to your individual needs and budget.

If you have allergies or asthma, then an expensive filter with a higher MERV rating may be worth the extra cost. However, if you're on a tight budget or don't have any special needs, then a cheaper filter may be sufficient. It's also important to consider how often you plan on replacing your filter. If you plan on replacing your filter every few months, then a cheaper option may be best. However, if you plan on replacing your filter every year or two, then an expensive option may be worth considering.


When it comes to buying a furnace filter, there are pros and cons to both expensive and cheap options. Expensive filters tend to have higher MERV ratings and last longer than cheaper options, but they also require more frequent maintenance and can be more difficult to install. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to buy an expensive furnace filter comes down to your individual needs and budget.